Solines supplies 28 steel tubes for a foundation project in Moerdijk.

28 Steel tubes for foundation project in Moerdijk

Solines supplies 28 steel tubes for a foundation project in Moerdijk.

Solines BV recently supplied 28 steel tubes for a significant foundation project at Europe Steel Center in Moerdijk. This project, carried out by G.L.A. de Kok Bouw Timmer en Renovatiewerken from Bergen op Zoom, involves the foundation for an advanced laser cutting machine. The foundation work is being handled by VDB Funderingstechnieken B.V.

The supplied steel tubes are made up of individual segments and have a total length of 24 meters. They have a diameter of 273.0 millimeters and vary in wall thickness, tailored to the specific requirements of the project. Thanks to our flexibility and extensive stock, we were able to deliver these high-quality steel tubes quickly and customized to the project’s needs.

Do you have a similar project and are looking for steel tubes or foundation piles? Our expert sales team is ready to advise and provide the best solution for your project. Contact us today at +31(0)168 – 35 66 55 or send an email to We are happy to assist you!

Steel tubes piling machine
Swaged foundation tube in the ground
Steel tubes ready for foundation project
Piling machine operating in Moerdijk

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